$1,000 To Change Your Life.

What does it take to change a man (or woman)? Can you force someone to change? Anyone who has tried can tell you the answer is a resounding no. There’s no amount of reading, no amount of consulting, no amount of inspirational videos one can watch to get them to truly change. No, the only way for someone to change is for them to desire it themselves. But how do you define a desire to change to someone you don’t know?

CAM Corp is introducing the $1,000 to Change Your Life program: Cameron Danalis’ personalized life strategizing services tailored to you and your experiences.

One thousand dollars.

It may seem like a lot at first glance, but why even bother considering? Who the hell do I think I am? Simply put, I am a walking testimony that my principles work. I had these ideas and I put my life on the line to see if they actually work. They did. I am free as a result.

To me, this isn’t about the money (although it is nice) and is not why I’m offering this service. This amount isn’t to create a paywall or to price people out. Rather, it’s a testament to commitment. It’s symbolic of the time, money, and energy you are willing to sacrifice to prove a desire to make meaningful change. How we spend our time, money, and energy is a summary of who we truly are and what we value. These three layers of one’s life working together towards a common goal is a proof of concept that I require before I work with someone. I don’t want your money if you aren’t 100% committed.

The first layer is time. Not everyone has $1,000 laying around, meaning that you must first spend time or sacrifice to save it up. I interpret the time spent and sacrifices made as the first layer of proof that you’re serious. It also proves that you won’t be wasting your time, as well as mine.

The second layer is commitment. After acquiring that sum, actually committing $1,000 proves that your serious and you literally put your money where your mouth is. This also serves as a deterrent to quitting. Nobody wants to sink a grand on something and not see it through. This is the mental stick versus the carrot.

The third layer is energy. Finding this page, reading it, and reaching out, are all signs that you are willing to devote the energy required to execute real change. Truthfully, it doesn’t take much energy to get started, and the true test will begin during the program itself. However, if you’ve made it this far it’s a good litmus test to see if you’re ready or not. You’re amount of devoted energy determines the quality of your outcome. The carrot versus the stick.

These three combined sacrifices serve as the ultimate filter- the best possible way to learn intent from a stranger. In my personal life I would try to help strategize plans for people to better their situations. However, when I would check in on them, nearly every person fell back into their old habits and would admit they’ve implemented nothing that was discussed. This, ultimately, was a concession to wasting both of our times. After some analyzation, I came to the conclusion that because they had nothing to lose, they didn’t care if nothing got done (as if their own life wasn’t enough of a motivation.) So, progress must come at a cost. The psychology is simple: the requirement to put a somewhat meaningful amount of money on line ensures people will actually follow through with what they promised to do. It’s the same concept as paying a personal trainer instead of just getting a gym membership; when someone is holding you accountable, you’re far more likely to succeed.

This is why I created the $1,000 to Change Your Life program. Again, the money is a testament to commitment. It’s symbolic of the time, money, and and energy you are willing to sacrifice to prove a desire to make meaningful change.

Here are the details to the program:

  • 10 one hour sessions with Cameron to hear your story, strategize a plan to improve your life, and follow up/keep you accountable. Typically once a month, but can be re-arranged to meet your needs.

  • Meetings are over the phone or via video chat per advanced request.

  • A one time payment of $1,000 will be received before the first session via PayPal. Cash app and Venmo are also accepted.

  • Using the Message box below, you can share as much information about yourself as you like in order to save time during the sessions to streamline the process.